Understanding Attack Surface Management Seeds

What are Seeds?

Seeds are entities that Attack Surface Management (ASM) uses to start a data collection run. ASM takes each Seed as a starting point and recursively analyzes all other Entities that are related or touched upon by that Seed, adding each Entity that is encountered to the Collection.

When adding a Seed to a Collection, both the value and the type must be provided. ASM uses this pairing to determine how to analyze this Seed and enumerate Entities from it. For example, if we add the domain mandiant.com as a Seed, then we select Domain as the Seed type. If we want to refer to a website, we must provide the full URL of http://www.mandiant.com (including the prefix http://) and select the Seed type Uri.

Seed Examples

The following table lists the name, the description, and a sample value for each Seed type. All sample entries are in the format that you'd enter them, unless you see or, which means there are two samples provided. 

Seed TypeDescriptionSample Values
ApiEndpointHTTP-based API endpointhttps://app.acme.com/api
AutonomousSystemAn autonomous system number (AsNumber)AS1234
AwsS3BucketAWS S3 bucketpublicfiles-acme
DnsRecordDNS recordest.acme.com
DomainTop-Level Domain (TLD)acme.com
EmailAddressEmail addressno-reply@acme.com
GithubAccountAccount in GitHubhttps://github.com/acme
GithubRepositoryRepository in GitHubhttps://github.com/acme/acme-core
IpAddressIP address, either IPv4 or IPv61.1.1.1 or 3FFE:FFFF:7654:FEDA:1245:BA98:3210:4562
NameserverDomain Name Server (DNS), either fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP addressns1.acme.com or
NetBlockA block of IP addresses (IPv4) in CIDR notation1.1.1.1/24
UniqueKeywordGlobally unique keyword that can be reliably searched forAcme
UniqueTokenAPI key or analytics IDUA-34505845
UriLink to a website or a webpagehttps://acme.com

How to determine the best seeds when starting a new Collection

Domains and netblocks are the best types of seeds to start with. This is because many child Entities can be discovered through enumeration. If resources and time allow, adding all known entities that belong to your organization is even better.

The more known entities that are provided to start, the better the scoping works. ASM assigns a confidence rating to each Entity that is found, and automatically determines whether it is "in scope" or "out of scope". By having more defined data points, in this case, Seeds that are in scope, the accuracy of the system goes up.

For more information about Seeds, see Collections Tips and Tricks.