Single Sign On Authentication
Google Threat Intelligence currently supports SSO authentication with the following services:
- GitHub
- Microsoft
This means, if you have an account in any of those services, you can use it at Google Threat Intelligence too!
Login to an existing account using SSO
If you already have a Google Threat Intelligence account whose email address is also associated with an account at any of our supported SSO providers, you can login with that provider at Google Threat Intelligence too.
When login using SSO, no 2FA is necessary. If the login at the SSO provider is successful you’ll be automatically redirected to Google Threat Intelligence’s main page.
Group SSO settings.
In the group settings page, a group administrator can choose among the different SSO providers or a custom SAML configuration:
When choosing a provider all the group users will be forced to login using that provider.
We have articles with examples of how to configure SAML with Okta or configure SAML with Ping
Updated 3 months ago