Lucene Queries in DTM
Apache Lucene is the accepted standard in the text searching technology space and is relatively well known. On the surface, the syntax looks simple, but using it correctly often requires careful consideration.
Lucene queries are used in Digital Threat Monitoring (DTM) in three different places:
In the DTM Alerts view when searching for alerts. Here, the Lucene query is used in the search bar on the Alert List page and executed for all your Alerts.
In your DTM Monitors with the
Lucene Text Query (Advanced)
Topic. In this use, the Lucene query is included in your Monitor condition used to match documents as they are ingested.For more information about the processes involved in matching Monitor conditions in Documents collected by DTM, see Monitor Matching Methodology.
In DTM Research Tools when searching for historical documents. Here, Lucene is used in the search bar and executed against all documents DTM has collected.
Query Types
Query Modifiers
Special Character Usage
Lucene Tips
Query Types
Lucene fundamentally supports five different types of queries:
- Term: Simplest type of query, usually a word.
- Phrase: Two or more words that must be present and adjacent.
- Range: Two terms marking the start and end of a range that any matching value must be between.
- Wildcard: A single word with either a single character (?) or multiple characters (*) being unknown.
- Regular Expression (regex): A regular expression describing a single token.
Term Query
A term query is the simplest type of Lucene query. A term is simply a single word or expression, for example:
This query would match any documents that contained the term hello
anywhere in the document as determined by the analyzer assigned to the field. For example, the following would match:
Hello world!
Say Hello
One limitation of a term query is that the entire term needs to match in order to qualify as a hit. So, for example, the following will not match:
Many hellos friend!
Term queries can be combined by simply adding additional terms:
hello world
This query would match the following:
Hello World
World Hello
The world says hello.
Notice that in this example the order of the terms does not matter and that either term matching will cause the query to match. If all terms must match in order, use a Phrase Query. If you need to specify that both terms must be present, use Boolean Operations.
If you quote a single word it will be treated like a term query, which can have unintended consequences.
Phrase Query
Phrase queries are similar to term queries but they indicate that you require all terms in the phrase to be present and in the order specified. You specify a phrase simply by quoting the terms that you'd like to match:
"hello world"
would match the following:
Hello world!
It's a good morning to say hello world.
but would not match the following:
Hello, my name is Bob.
Hello says the world.
Range Query
Range queries let you specify a range of values that would match.
You specify ranges like this (the operator TO
is case sensitive):
[start_inclusive TO end_inclusive] OR {start_exclusive TO end_exclusive}
Range fields can operate on any data type (such as text or dates). When comparing text, the ranges are sorted lexicographically. Using []
indicates that the range is inclusive meaning it will match even if the value lands on the boundary and using {}
is exclusive meaning if a value lands on the boundary it will be excluded.
For example:
[aaaa TO zzzz]
would match the following:
but not the following:
And the following query:
{aaaa TO zzzz}
would match the following:
but not the following:
Wildcard Query
Wildcard queries let you search inside single terms (not phrases) by specifying a glob pattern using either ?
for a single character substitution or *
to replace zero or more characters.
So the following:
would match both of the following:
this is some text
match test
And the following query:
would match the following:
You can't use wildcards at the beginning of a term. Due to the nature of how this query works, the performance impact of running these queries is significant.
Regular Expression Query
Regular expression (regex) queries let you search for complicated patterns of text in source documents.
For example:
would match both of the following:
Regular expressions can be computationally expensive and complex regex queries can cause matches to take an excessive amount of time.
Both wildcard and regex queries only operate on single terms.
Query Modifiers
There are various modifiers that you can use to adjust how your queries get executed.
If you only want your queries to match a particular field you can append the field before the query, followed by a colon:
body:"text to search for"
A field specifier can be used with any type of query.
Fuzzy and Proximity Searching
For term and phrase queries, you can specify an integer that lets you change how specific a match must be in order to hit.
For terms, you can specify a fuzzy match by doing the following:
This query specifies that the term world
must match within a Levenshtein distance of two. The distance describes how many single character substitutions are allowed and still match. For example, this means that warld
and aarld
would match; but aaald
would not.
For phrases you can specify a proximity match by doing the following:
"hello world"~2
Proximity matches look similar to fuzzy matches but operate very differently. This query specifies that the term hello
must be found within two terms of world
So the following would match all of the following:
Hello World
Hello from World
Hello from the World
but would not match the following:
Hello from the wide World
Boolean Operations
Multiple conditions can be chained together using Boolean expressions. Lucene defines the following operators:
<query> OR <query>
or<query> || <query>
: used to combine multiple queries where either one hitting will cause a match. This is the default operator; not specifying an operator will result in OR being used.<query> AND <query>
or<query> && <query>
: used to combine multiple queries where both must hit to cause a match.+<query>
: Required operator, when preceding a query indicates that this query must hit for a match to occur.-<query>
: Prohibited operator, when preceding a query indicates that this query must not hit for a match to occur.<query> NOT <query>
or<query> ! <query>
: Indicates that the second query must not hit for a match to occur. If you omit a preceding query to the NOT operator, the expression will never match.
Boolean operators are case sensitive.
When considering multiple queries, Lucene automatically inserts the OR operator between terms. For example, the following functionally identical examples:
hello world
hello OR world
hello || world
All of these queries would match any text field containing hello
or world
- Instead of OR, you can use AND to specify both conditions must be met:
(this AND that) AND "other thing"
- You can also indicate that Lucene queries must (+) or must not (-) be satisfied. For example, the following indicates that "this" must be found and "that" must not be found:
+this -that
- You can combine all of these things in a single query. For example, the following would require that a Document must have a person identified with a name of "alice" but must not contain "bob" or "john":
identity_name:(+alice -(bob john))
Similarly, the following are functionally the same:
hello AND world
hello && world
Both queries would match any text field containing both hello
and world
The following examples are also functionally the same:
hello -world
hello NOT world
hello ! world
Each query would match any text field containing hello
as long as it didn't contain world
hello +world
would match any text field containing world
and it could optionally include hello
Query Grouping
Multiple queries can be grouped by surrounding them in (
and )
. This approach can be useful if you want to nest your conditional logic to create more specific matches.
For example:
("hello world" AND "john smith") OR ("goodbye world" AND "john doe")
This query would match any document with a text field that:
- Contained the phrase "hello world" and also the phrase "john smith" or
- Contained the phrase "goodby world" and also the phrase "john doe"
You can also nest multiple layers deep:
("hello world" AND "john smith") OR ("goodbye world" AND ("john doe" OR "jane doe"))
This query would match any document with a text field that:
- Contained the phrase "hello world" and also the phrase "john smith" or
- Contained the phrase "goodby world" and also
- The phrase "john doe" or
- The phrase "jane doe"
The following are some common examples of searches for specific data types.Specific Data Types Searches
The following date formats are supported:Timestamp and Date2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00
When searching for IP addresses, it's valid to search for CIDR ranges on both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. The following are examples of valid IP address queries, all of which would matchIP Address192.168.1.1
Special Character Usage
There are certain characters that have special meaning to Lucene, including the following:
+-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:/ -- also ' '
(0x20, space)
These special characters can be escaped by prepending the character with a backslash \
. So, if you wanted to search for a term containing an asterisk, for example, hello\*world
would match the literal term hello*world
When text is processed by an Analyzer, most of these special characters will generally be stripped. So using these characters may not always have the intended effect in DTM, even if the characters are properly escaped.
The following are a few example queries combining special characters and query types:
Search for all documents that contain a
field that contains the stringexitq
. -
Search all documents that contain
exitq AND bank
ORexitq AND credit
. -
timestamp:["2022-06-03T19:01:53.442Z" TO "2022-08-03T19:01:53.442Z"] AND cve:"CVE-2020-15674"
Search for documents for the mention of a specific
that have a specific range of timestamps. -
identity_name:purplefox422 AND
Searching for this TAA about purplefox422 and pivoting over to all the posts by this persona on raidforums.
identity_name:"john smith" AND doc_type:paste +password
This query would match any DTM-analyzed paste that mentioned someone named
John Smith
and contained the wordhacked
anywhere in the Document. Note, the+
in front ofpassword
is required because the default joining operator isOR
. If you omit the+
, you'd get any document containing the wordpassword
You could rewrite the previous query as:
+identity_name:"john smith" +doc_type:paste +password
because the+
operators are equivalent.
6.doc_type:web_content_publish AND (domain:"" OR domain:"")
Search domain-related Documents for the domains OR
. Notice "
is used to include .
in the string.
7. **email_address:/(.*)**
You could use the query to find any email address in the
domain. This query first scopes the search to the email_address
topic, and then uses a regular expression that matches anything (.*)
followed by the string
. Notice the use of /(.*)
characters for a special regex meaning to Lucene.
Lucene Tips
The following are some important considerations when working with Lucene queries.
When to Use Lucene
Lucene can be incredibly useful for searching for terms that have a wide range of possible values. Its support for deep nesting boolean conditions makes it possible to run queries that are difficult to express any other way. Some potentially good use cases include the following:
- Finding specific ranges of BINs.
- Matching specific ranges of subdomains (using
, for example. - Searching for terms within a specific distance of each other using proximity searches.
When not to Use Lucene
When searching for a simple set of terms or keywords, Lucene is rarely a good fit. Lucene adds an extra layer of complexity that can make it especially difficult to figure out why something did or did not match.
Typically, Lucene should be treated as a last resort. It’s often sufficient to use the Keyword Topic with different operators for most use cases.
Queries Operate on Terms
Most advanced query types such as wildcards, ranges, and regular expressions operate specifically on terms and cannot be used with phrases.
For example, the following query:
"hello*" ["hello moon" TO "hello world"] "/hello world/"
becomes the following:
hello [hello moon TO hello world] "hello world"
This result is almost never what's intended. Be careful when using phrases to avoid using features that only operate on terms.
For a simpler example, take the following query:
In this case, the phrase query gets Analyzed and the *
gets removed and effectively becomes:
Since this isn't a wildcard query, you won't find any Documents containing with terms like helloworld
Phrases must contain Multiple Terms
Phrase queries that contain a single term are automatically decomposed to the equivalent term query.
For example, the following queries are equivalent:
"hello" hello
This can be surprising when using query modifiers like phrase proximity searching:
Instead of performing a proximity search, this query would instead perform a fuzzy search.
Unexpected results from Analyzers
Lucene queries are Analyzed as part of being parsed. This process can lead to some surprising behaviors when combined with things like domain names, urls, paths, and other non-prose terms.
For example:
Effectively becomes:
"some" some
Which especially in the later case could cause some surprising matches.
For more information about Analyzers, see Monitor Matching Methodology.
Common Lucene Mistakes
Forgetting to put quote around phrases, for example:
john smith
instead of"john smith"
- The former would match any Document containing the terms
anywhere in the Document. Because of the implicit OR betweenjohn
it would not require both to be present to match. This result can be especially surprising when there are long lists of match terms or match terms with short lengths.
- The former would match any Document containing the terms
Forgetting to mark regular expressions, for example:
te[a-z]t instead of /te[a-z]t/
Forgetting to escape phrases causes the regular expressions to be considered literally, which will produce unexpected results because it effectively turns this query into the following:
te a-z t
Incorrect casing on the operators AND and OR, for example:
john and smith
instead ofjohn AND smith
- The operators AND and OR must be capitalized. Using the wrong case makes the condition part of the query, so in the former case the query would search for:
john OR and OR smith
- The operators AND and OR must be capitalized. Using the wrong case makes the condition part of the query, so in the former case the query would search for:
Quoting single terms, such as
instead ofhello*
instead of/hello(.*)/
.- When quoting single terms special features like wildcards and regular expressions aren’t evaluated. Instead they’re treated like part of the phrase.
Forgetting that pure negation matches everything. For example:
- Since there’s no other condition to be met in this query, anything that doesn’t match the negated term will be considered a match.
Forgetting to use the correct syntax when including reserved characters in queries. For example:
instead of\(1\+1\)\:2
Certain characters in Lucene have special meanings within queries. These queries are often used together to group terms or phrases for a certain type of segmentation (such as inclusive versus exclusive ranges). A common mistake is to forget the second character that's required to quit or escape from the segmented query behavior.
If a special character should be included as a search parameter, it must be enclosed within quotation marks.
Examples of Problematic Queries
- Consider the following Lucene query:
- This query was probably intended to find all instances of domains ending with “” and starting with alphanumeric characters. What this query actually searches for:
za z0 9
- It should probably read:
- It should probably read:
- This query was probably intended to find all instances of domains ending with “” and starting with alphanumeric characters. What this query actually searches for:
- Consider the following Lucene query intended to search for a specific IP range:
- It should actually read:
- It should actually read:
- Consider the following Lucene query that is looking for CVE identifiers:
- It should actually read:
- It should actually read:
- Consider the following Lucene query looking for a specific email address:
- It should actually read:
- It should actually read:
Updated 3 months ago