What type of files are supported by code insight?
These are the file types supported by VirusTotal Code Insight :
3dstudiomaxscript, 4gl, 6502assembly, a4gl, abap, actionscript, actionscript3, ada, adams, afl, agda, apex, applescript, arduino, asp, asp.net, ass, assembler, assembly, asepritescript, autocad, autocad.dwg, autocadlisp, autocadlst, autocadlsp, autocaddcl, autohotkey, autolisp, autoit, autoitv3, bash, basic, batch, batchfile, bhs, bibtext, blade, blitz3d, blufftitler, bvh, c, c#, c++, cade_simu, chess, ciscoiosconfiguration, cleo, clips, cmake, cncmapfile, cobol, css, csv, cuda, cython, delphi, dart, df-2012, df-script, dockerfile, eaglecad, edifact, eds, eiffel, elixir, etap, f#, faust, fbx, fish, forth, fortran, fortran77, g-code, gap, gcode, gedcom, gdscript, gherkin, glsl, gml, gnuplot, go, godotscript, googleappsscript, gpc, gradle, graphql, groovy, haskell, haxe, hec-ras, hlsl, html, ics, idl, inf, ini, innosetup, iso20022xml, java, javascript, javaserverpages, jscript, jsfx, json, jsp, julia, rmcandirmcandi, kotlin, lammps, latex, ldf, ldif, ldraw, less, linuxkernelconfiguration, lisp, lua, m3u, m3u8, makefile, markdown, mash, mathematica, matlab, maxscript, mel, mercurial, metal, metalshader, minecraftscript, mof, mql4, mql5, mugen, mysql, nasl, neuron, nginx, nim, nsis, nuscript, nushell, objective-c, officeopenxmlmarkuplanguage, ofx, opencl, openscad, osl, padslayouteditor, papyrus, pascal, pdb, perl, pgm, php, plpgsql, plsql, po/pot, postscript, pov-ray, powershell, prolog, protobuf, pscad, python, q3a-c++, q3mapsource, qbasic, quakec, quickbms, q3mapscript, qml, r, ra2mapscript, racket, registry, ren\py, reql, rexx, robloxscript, rpg, ruby, rust, sass, scala, shell, shellscript, simpl-v+, skript, solidity, sql, stata, step, svg, swift, t-sql, tcl, thrift, toml, transact-sql, twine, typescript, unityscript, urscript, ust, vb.net, vba, vbs, vbscript, veriloghdl, vimscript, vimscript, visualbasic.net, vobsub, vrpn, vue.js, webassembly, webvtt, x3d, xfa, xml, x-planesoundfile, yaml, yara, z80assembly, zil, zsh
The file limit is 1mb but be aware that for document or compressed files, the limit is applied to the bundled script not the parent file.
Updated 3 months ago