πŸ”€πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» hunting_rulesets

Hunting rulesets editable by the user.

The hunting_rulesets relationship returns a list of all hunting rulesets editable by a given user. This relationship is only visible for the account's owner.

This relationship can be retrieved by using the relationships API endpoint and it returns a list of Hunting Rulesets objects.

  "data": [
  "links": {
    "next": "<string>",
    "self": "<string>"
  "meta": {
    "count": <int>,
    "cursor": "<string>"
  "data": [
      "attributes": {
        "creation_date": 1594997826,
        "enabled": false,
        "limit": 100,
        "modification_date": 1597394885,
        "name": "test",
        "notification_emails": [],
        "number_of_rules": 1,
        "rule_names": [
        "rules": "/*\n    Template YARA ruleset\n*/\nrule yara_template\n{\n    strings:\n        $a = \"VirusTotal\"\n    condition:\n        all of them\n}"
      "id": "0000000000000000",
      "links": {
        "self": "https://www.virustotal.com/api/v3/intelligence/hunting_rulesets/0000000000000000"
      "type": "hunting_ruleset"
  "links": {
    "self": "https://www.virustotal.com/api/v3/users/spellman/hunting_rulesets?limit=10"
  "meta": {
    "count": 1