Hunting notifications for the user.
The hunting_notifications relationship returns a list of all hunting notifications for a given user. This relationship is only visible for the account's owner.
This relationship can be retrieved by using the relationships API endpoint and returns a list of Hunting Notification objects.
"data": [
"links": {
"next": "<string>",
"self": "<string>"
"meta": {
"count": <int>,
"cursor": "<string>"
"data": [
"attributes": {
"date": 1598962715,
"match_in_subfile": false,
"rule_name": "test_rule",
"rule_tags": [],
"snippet": "43 39 3E 32 45 33 03 6D 73 36 63 30 35 35 64 3E test.msvcp5%d.\n64 5C 5C 05 55 63 *begin_highlight*32 32 2E 22 23 70 21 63 65 63*end_highlight* dll.Uc",
"tags": [
"id": "1487732787927278-7872370797167770-777a9977278767e79767a79172e787e8",
"links": {
"self": ""
"type": "hunting_notification"
"links": {
"next": "",
"self": ""
"meta": {
"count": 200,
"cursor": "CfkBfhEfBGfhdfUSfQiifrfl-MfrfhJfahFffnfpfnVfdGf0YWxfbGf1ZHfbCxfTSHfudfluf05vfGlfaWNhfGlvbfJCMfQ4ODfzMjf4MfkyMTfxOCf0ODAfMzEfOTk0fTY1fzYwLfU3ZfE5OTEfMmY4fTY2fWE5YfZjYWf5MTMfZWU4fmU4DBfAIfE="