Search Entities

Search Endpoint for all entity data. If no operator is used, "name" field is searched

Valid Search Keywords ('search_string' parameter):

  • collection:intrigue_123k221
  • type:string
    • ApiEndpoint, AppEndpoint, AutonomousSystem, AwsEC2Instance, AwsRdsDbInstance, AwsS3Bucket, AzureStorageAccount, AzureVirtualMachine, DnsRecord, Domain, EmailAddress, GcpApiGateway, GcpAppEngineApplication, GcpCloudFunction, GcpCloudSQLInstance, GcpComputeEngineInstance, GcpStorageBucket, GithubAccount, GithubRepository, IpAddress, Nameserver, NetBlock, NetworkService, SslCertificate, UniqueKeyword, UniqueToken, Uri
  • name:string
  • hidden:false | true
  • tag:tagname
  • country:us (alpha-2 country coded)
  • uid:12345
  • last_seen_after:string
    • last_scan_count_1 (1-10)
    • last_refresh
    • configured_scan_count
    • YYYY-MM-DD
  • last_seen_before:string
    • last_scan_count_1 (1-10)
    • last_refresh
    • configured_scan_count
    • YYYY-MM-DD
  • first_seen_after:string
    • last_scan_count_1 (1-10)
    • last_refresh
    • configured_scan_count
    • YYYY-MM-DD
  • scoped:true | false
  • http_code:404
  • http_auth:true | false
  • http_auth_basic:true | false
  • http_auth_ntlm:true | false
  • http_title:string
  • http_forms:true | false
  • http_cookie
  • technology:jquery
  • cloud:true | false
  • cloud_provider
  • network
  • port_tcp
  • port_udp
  • port_count_lte:1
  • port_count_gte:1
  • issue_count_lte:1
  • issue_count_gte:1
  • vuln:cve
  • vuln_count_gte:1
  • vuln_count_lte:1
  • critical_or_high:true | false
  • resolves_to:string
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