Hunting Notifications

Generated notifications by matches in Hunting Rulesets



This object is no longer used by the web interface. Use IoC-Stream Notifications instead.

A Hunting Notification object represents a notification generated when one of the YARA rules in a Hunting Ruleset matches a file sent to Google Threat Intelligence. This object is only visible for the Hunting Ruleset's owner and any user the ruleset was shared with.

The object contains the following attributes:

  • date: <integer> notification date as UTC timestamp.
  • match_in_subfile: <boolean> whether the match was in a subfile or not.
  • rule_name: <string> matched rule name.
  • rule_tags: <list of strings> matched rule tags.
  • snippet: <string> matched contents inside the file as hexdump. Contains begin_highlight and end_highlight substrings to indicate the part of the file that produced the match and give additional context about surrounding bytes in the match.
  • source_country: <string> country where the matched file was uploaded from.
  • source_key: <string> unique identifier for the source in ciphered form.
  • tags: <list of strings> notification tags.
  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "date": <int>,
      "match_in_subfile": <bool>,
      "rule_name": "<string>",
      "rule_tags": [
      "snippet": "<string>",
      "source_country": "<string>",
      "source_key": "<string>",
      "tags": [
    "id": "<string>",
    "links": {
      "self": "<id>"
    "type": "hunting_notification"
  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "date": 1598953067,
      "match_in_subfile": false,
      "rule_name": "test_rule",
      "rule_tags": [],
      "snippet": "*begin_highlight*3E 74 65 62 39 10 74 40 7C 6F 3E 37 55 11 37 65*end_highlight*  *begin_highlight*<script language*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*3D 22 6A 61",
      "source_country": "GB",
      "source_key": "433a7343",
      "tags": [
    "id": "1557531515556553-5505015558550565-5758652515e55555ba5cd5c555f5d952",
    "links": {
      "self": ""
    "type": "hunting_notification"