๐Ÿ”€ attack_tactics

Attack technique's tactics.

The attack_tactics relationship returns the list of all attack tactics where the technique appears.

This relationship can be retrieved using the relationships API endpoint. The response contains a list of Attack Tactic objects.

  "data": [
  "links": {
    "next": <string>,
    "self": <string>
  "meta": {
    "count": <int>,
    "cursor": <string>
  "meta": {
    "count": 1
  "data": [
      "attributes": {
        "description": "The adversary is trying to move through your environment.\n\nLateral movement consists of techniques that enable an adversary to access and control remote systems on a network and could, but does not necessarily, include execution of tools on remote systems. The lateral movement techniques could allow an adversary to gather information from a system without needing additional tools, such as a remote access tool.",
        "creation_date": 1539735260,
        "link": "https://attack.mitre.org/tactics/TA0033/",
        "stix_id": "x-mitre-tactic--7be441c2-0095-4b1e-8125-fa8ffda29b0f",
        "last_modification_date": 1580133937,
        "name": "Lateral Movement"
      "type": "attack_tactic",
      "id": "TA0033",
      "links": {
        "self": "https://www.virustotal.com/api/v3/attack_tactics/TA0033"
  "links": {
    "self": "https://www.virustotal.com/api/v3/attack_techniques/T1428/attack_tactics?limit=10"