
Collections are sets of objects. For most object types there is a top-level collection representing all objects of that type. Those collections can be accessed by using a URL like:{collection_name}

Many operations in the Google Threat Intelligence API are performed by sending requests to a collection. For example, you can analyse a file by sending a POST request to /api/v3/files, which effectively adds a new item to the files collection. You can create a new Hunting ruleset by sending a POST request to /api/v3/intelligence/hunting_rulesets. Sending a POST request to a collection is usually the way in which new objects are created.

Similarly, a DELETE request sent to a collection has the effect of deleting all objects in that collection. As you may imagine, there's no DELETE method for certain collections like files, urls or analyses, but you can use DELETE on other collection types such as hunting_notifications to remove all your Hunting notifications.

Many collections are also iterable, you can retrieve all objects in the collection by sending successive GET requests to the collection. On each request you get a number of objects and a cursor that is used to continue the iteration. The snippet below exemplifies the response from a GET request to /api/v3/{collection name}.

    "data": [
      { .. object 1 .. },
      { .. object 2 .. },
      { .. object 3 .. }
    "meta": {
      "cursor": "CuABChEKBGRhdGUSCQjA1.."
    "links": {
        "next": "{collection name}?cursor=CuABChEKBGRhdGUSCQjA1..",
        "self": "{collection name}"

As the next field in the links section suggest, you can use the cursor in the response's metadata as a parameter in a subsequent call for retrieving the next set of objects. You can also use the limit parameter for controlling how many objects are returned on each call.