
Information about graphs.

A Graph object represents a graph in Google Threat Intelligence Graph.

Object Attributes

  • comments_count: <integer> number of comments.
  • creation_date: <integer> when the graph was created.
  • graph_data: <dictionary> it contains the following subfields:
    • description: <string> contains the graph name.
    • version: <string> is the graph version.
  • last_modified_date: <integer> last time the graph was modified.
  • links: <list of dictionaries> list of different relations with the network location.
    • connection_type: <string> type of connection ("network_location", "urls", "referrer_files", "contacted_urls", etc.)
    • source: <string> source object ID.
    • target: <string> target object ID.
  • nodes: <list of dictionaries> list of different nodes of the graph.
    • entity_attributes: <dictionary> contains entity specific attributes. Fields on each element may vary depending on the nature of the node.
      • has_detections: <boolean> whether the entity is marked as malicious or not.
      • type_tag: <string> file type tag. Only returned in file nodes.
      • country: <string> IP country. Only returned in IP nodes.
      • relationship_type: <string> describes how the relationship was built. Can be either "intelligence", "hunting", "retrohunt" or "commonality". Only returned in relationship nodes.
      • intelligence_query: <string> in case the relationship type is "intelligence", contains the VT Intelligence query used to create the relationship. Only returned in relationship nodes.
      • ruleset_id: <string> in case the relationship type is "hunting", contains the ruleset ID where the relationship was extracted. Only returned in relationship nodes.
      • retrohunt_job_id: <string> in case the relationship type is "retrohunt", contains the Retrohunt job where the relationship was extrascted. Only returned in relationship nodes.
      • commonalities: <list of dictionaries> in case the relationship type is "commonality", it contains the commonalities used to extract the relationship. Only returned in relationship nodes. Every item on the list contains the following fields:
        • commonality: <string> commonality type.
        • value: <string> commonality value.
    • entity_id: <string> id of this specific element (i.e. a hash or '').
    • fx: <float> node's horizontal pinned position in the graph. The node's position doesn't change unless the user drags it.
    • fy: <float> node's vertical pinned position in the graph. The node's position doesn't change unless the user drags it.
    • index: <integer> node's id in the graph.
    • type: <string> node type (i.e. "url", "relationship", "file", "domain")
    • x: <float> relative horizontal location of the node.
    • y: <float> relative vertical location of the node.
  • private: <boolean> whether the graph is private or not.
  • views_count: <integer> number of times the graph has been viewed.
  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "comments_count": <int>,
      "creation_date": <int:timestamp>,
      "graph_data": {
        "description": "<string>",
        "version": "<string>"
      "last_modified_date": <int:timestamp>,
      "links": [
          "connection_type": "<string>",
          "source": "<string>",
          "target": "<string>"
      "nodes": [
          "entity_attributes": {
            "commonalities": [
                "commonality": "<string>",
                "value": "<string>"
            "country": "<string>",
            "has_detections": <boolean>,
            "intelligence_query": "<string>",
            "relationship_type": "<string>",
            "retrohunt_job_id": "<string>",
            "ruleset_id": "<string>",
            "type_tag": "<string>"
          "entity_id": "<string>",
          "fx": <float>,
          "fy": <float>
          "index": <int>,
          "text": "<string>",
          "type": "<string>",
          "x": <float>,
          "y": <float>
      "private": <boolean>,
      "views_count": <int>
    "id": "<string>",
    "links": {
      "self": "<id>"
    "type": "graph"
  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "comments_count": 0,
      "creation_date": 1599060646,
      "graph_data": {
        "description": "test",
        "version": "5.0.0"
      "last_modified_date": 1599117623,
      "links": [
          "connection_type": "last_serving_ip_address",
          "source": "ecd87dff4decb36ebf35cf2d327cce62fe1e5666d694c4b0f11ff67d540ff4dc",
          "target": "relationships_last_serving_ip_address_ecd87dff4decb36ebf35cf2d327cce62fe1e5666d694c4b0f11ff67d540ff4dc"
          "connection_type": "last_serving_ip_address",
          "source": "relationships_last_serving_ip_address_e743cffce9efddfb4f1d7e7dc3c10c6d562e61b5f65e6dd3fd4f28b604fcc2f6",
          "target": ""
          "connection_type": "contacted_ips",
          "source": "e743cffce9efddfb4f1d7e7dc3c10c6d562e61b5f65e6dd3fd4f28b604fcc2f6",
          "target": "relationships_contacted_ips_e743cffce9efddfb4f1d7e7dc3c10c6d562e61b5f65e6dd3fd4f28b604fcc2f6"
          "connection_type": "contacted_ips",
          "source": "relationships_contacted_ips_e743cffce9efddfb4f1d7e7dc3c10c6d562e61b5f65e6dd3fd4f28b604fcc2f6",
          "target": ""
          "connection_type": "commonality",
          "source": "relationships_commonality_106438826",
          "target": "f053cb783411211b54e2837ec01e0998e3d9bc042f599d95f7f2cb4ba348305d"
          "connection_type": "hunting",
          "source": "relationships_hunting_6534979578789888",
          "target": "5a041d8d72fc12d21e09fd781831ff8279199025c3b3da4b13ec24d20200340f"
      "nodes": [
          "entity_attributes": {
            "has_detections": true
          "entity_id": "e743cffce9efddfb4f1d7e7dc3c10c6d562e61b5f65e6dd3fd4f28b604fcc2f6",
          "index": 0,
          "text": "",
          "type": "url",
          "x": 0,
          "y": 0
          "entity_attributes": {},
          "entity_id": "relationships_last_serving_ip_address_e743cffce9efddfb4f1d7e7dc3c10c6d562e61b5f65e6dd3fd4f28b604fcc2f6",
          "index": 1,
          "text": "",
          "type": "relationship",
          "x": -27.425258029385414,
          "y": -19.198748008541706
          "entity_attributes": {
            "country": "OM",
            "has_detections": true
          "entity_id": "",
          "fx": -60.42155469411466,
          "fy": -1.7339803589372877,
          "index": 2,
          "text": "",
          "type": "ip_address",
          "x": -60.42155469411466,
          "y": -1.7339803589372877
          "entity_attributes": {
            "has_detections": false,
            "type_tag": "text"
          "entity_id": "733314c4b079b42174c6b55fb89755faca798378ab999ea240b3f14b0d24a90f",
          "index": 6,
          "text": "",
          "type": "file",
          "x": 27.265746471390678,
          "y": -9.726931961146573
          "entity_attributes": {
            "has_detections": false
          "entity_id": "",
          "index": 88,
          "text": "",
          "type": "domain",
          "x": -234.75082645175817,
          "y": 8.15972244734705
          "entity_attributes": {
            "intelligence_query": "entity: url path: blablabla",
            "relationship_type": "intelligence"
          "entity_id": "intelligence_-1173580683",
          "index": 154,
          "text": "VTI: entity: url path: blablabla",
          "type": "relationship",
          "x": -27.95565446983731,
          "y": -64.23455937679253
          "entity_attributes": {
            "commonalities": [
                "commonality": "path",
                "value": "/"
            "relationship_type": "commonality"
          "entity_id": "relationships_commonality_106438826",
          "fx": -107.49097518267031,
          "fy": 198.2339878510857,
          "index": 160,
          "text": "path: /",
          "type": "relationship",
          "x": -107.49097518267031,
          "y": 198.2339878510857
          "entity_attributes": {
            "relationship_type": "hunting",
            "ruleset_id": "6533973538739388"
          "entity_id": "relationships_hunting_6533973538739388",
          "index": 161,
          "text": "",
          "type": "relationship",
          "x": -130.72553403592232,
          "y": 346.7297024640031
      "private": true,
      "views_count": 2
    "id": "g0538d03053194c338643183e315b134ec3463a392330430938033934f3be3f37",
    "links": {
      "self": ""
    "type": "graph"


In addition to the previously described attributes, Graph objects contain relationships with other objects in our dataset that can be retrieved as explained in the Relationships section.

The following table shows a summary of available relationships for graph objects.

RelationshipDescriptionAccessibilityReturn object type
commentsComments for the graph.Viewers.A list of Comments.
editorsGraph's editors.Viewers.A list of Users and Groups.
groupGroup owning the graph.Viewers.A single Group object.
itemsItems related to the graph. They can be: files, urls, domains or IP addresses.Viewers.A list of Files, IP addresses, URLs and Domains.
ownerGraph's owner.Viewers.A single User object.
viewersGraph's viewers.Viewers.A list of Users and Groups.

These relationships are detailed in the subsections below.