Sigma Analyses

Sigma analyses run in sandbox generated sysmon logs.



Sigma analyses metadata is now included in both the File and File behaviour objects.

In order to increment our detecting capabilities, we analyse sandbox generated Sysmon logs using Sigma.

Object Attributes

A sigma analysis object's ID is the SHA256 from the file it's analyzing and contains the following attributes:

  • analysis_date: <integer> analysis date as UTC timestamp.
  • last_modification_date: <integer> analysis' last modification date as UTC timestamp.
  • rule_matches: <list of dictionaries> contains a summary of matched rules. Every item contains the following subfields:
    • match_context: <string> matched strings from the log file.
    • rule_author: <string> rule authors separated by commas.
    • rule_description: <string> brief summary about what the rule detects.
    • rule_id: <string> rule ID in Google Threat Intelligence's database.
    • rule_level: <string> rule severity. Can be "low", "medium", "high" or "critical".
    • rule_source: <string> ruleset where the rule belongs.
    • rule_title: <string> rule title.
  • severity_stats: <dictionary> stats matched rules by severity:
    • critical: <integer> number of matched rules having a "critical" severity.
    • high: <integer> number of matched rules having a "high" severity.
    • low: <integer> number of matched rules having a "low" severity.
    • medium: <integer> number of matched rules having a "medium" severity.
  • source_severity_stats: <dictionary> same as severity_stats but grouping stats by ruleset. Keys are ruleset names as string and values are stats in a dictionary.
    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "analysis_date": <int:timestamp>,
            "last_modification_date": <int:timestamp>,
            "rule_matches": [
                    "match_context": "<string>",
                    "rule_author": "<string>",
                    "rule_description": "<string>",
                    "rule_id": "<string>",
                    "rule_level": "<string>",
                    "rule_source": "<string>",
                    "rule_title": "<string>"
            "severity_stats": {
                "critical": <int>,
                "high": <int>,
                "low": <int>,
                "medium": <int>
            "source_severity_stats": {
                "<string>": {
                    "critical": <int>,
                    "high": <int>,
                    "low": <int>,
                    "medium": <int>
        "id": "<string>",
        "links": {
            "self": "<id>"
        "type": "sigma_analysis"
    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "analysis_date": 1593522810,
            "last_modification_date": 1593522811,
            "rule_matches": [
                    "match_context": "$CommandLine: 'attrib  +H monitor.bak', $EventID: '1', $Image: 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\attrib.exe', $ParentCommandLine: 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe /c attrib +H monitor.bak'",
                    "rule_author": "Rick Sanchez",
                    "rule_description": "Detects usage of attrib.exe to hide files from users.",
                    "rule_id": "5c3ea6806114163b8cdf5735aeb07e702ab63e0e486f721df84cf675e2b0a04b",
                    "rule_level": "low",
                    "rule_source": "Sigma Integrated Rule Set (GitHub)",
                    "rule_title": "Hiding Files with Attrib.exe"
                    "match_context": "$CommandLine: 'attrib  +H window_texts.txt', $EventID: '1', $Image: 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\attrib.exe', $ParentCommandLine: 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe /c attrib +H window_texts.txt'",
                    "rule_author": "Rick Sanchez",
                    "rule_description": "Detects usage of attrib.exe to hide files from users.",
                    "rule_id": "5c3ea6806114163b8cdf5735aeb07e702ab63e0e486f721df84cf675e2b0a04b",
                    "rule_level": "low",
                    "rule_source": "Sigma Integrated Rule Set (GitHub)",
                    "rule_title": "Hiding Files with Attrib.exe"
                    "match_context": "$CommandLine: 'attrib  +H 676886ed8c6f48c5b5476d796a6353be.png', $EventID: '1', $Image: 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\attrib.exe', $ParentCommandLine: 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe /c attrib +H 676886ed8c6f48c5b5476d796a6353be.png'",
                    "rule_author": "Rick Sanchez",
                    "rule_description": "Detects usage of attrib.exe to hide files from users.",
                    "rule_id": "5c3ea6806114163b8cdf5735aeb07e702ab63e0e486f721df84cf675e2b0a04b",
                    "rule_level": "low",
                    "rule_source": "Sigma Integrated Rule Set (GitHub)",
                    "rule_title": "Hiding Files with Attrib.exe"
                    "match_context": "$CommandLine: '\"schtasks.exe\" /create /f /tn \"UPNP Monitor\" /xml \"C:\\Users\\admin\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmpF033.tmp\"', $EventID: '1', $Image: 'C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\schtasks.exe', $User: 'work\\admin'",
                    "rule_author": "Rick Sanchez",
                    "rule_description": "Detects the creation of scheduled tasks in user session",
                    "rule_id": "3bc9d14114a6b67367a24df21134d0564d6f08a0ad903d68f9b25e9d8b7f0790",
                    "rule_level": "low",
                    "rule_source": "Sigma Integrated Rule Set (GitHub)",
                    "rule_title": "Scheduled Task Creation"
            "severity_stats": {
                "critical": 0,
                "high": 0,
                "low": 4,
                "medium": 0
            "source_severity_stats": {
                "Sigma Integrated Rule Set (GitHub)": {
                    "critical": 0,
                    "high": 0,
                    "low": 4,
                    "medium": 0
        "id": "c885691ab568bd5bff581555e1d15ef82558c5a655c9c51ae5bd554b85fc7424",
        "links": {
            "self": ""
        "type": "sigma_analysis"


In addition to the previously described attributes, Sigma Analysis objects contain relationships with other objects in our dataset that can be retrieved as explained in the Relationships section.

The following table shows a summary of available relationships for Sigma analysis objects.

RelationshipDescriptionAccessibilityReturn object type
rulesSigma rules that matched an analysisEveryoneA list of Sigma Rules.

These relationships are detailed in the subsections below.