πŸ”€ mentions

Comments mentioning the user.

The mentions relationship returns a list of all comments mentioning a given Service Account.

This relationship can be retrieved by using the relationships API endpoint and returns a list of Comment objects.

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                "date": 1585745966,
                "html": "@spellman Do you like black cats?",
                "tags": [],
                "text": "@spellman Do you like black cats?",
                "votes": {
                    "abuse": 0,
                    "negative": 0,
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            "id": "f-023238935e73803aa363523a03863c35e736393a139933c9354b3333c3a3b33e-3198f48a",
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            "type": "comment"
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                "date": 1594735512,
                "html": "@spellman it's witching hour!",
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                "text": "@spellman it's witching hour!",
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